Yo penso que

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

God - More capitalist than most capitalists?

It struck me yesterday, whether God wished to create all men to be equal (at least in course of time) in the first place. For those atheistic readers, as Voltaire said, "Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer" or anglicising the same "If God did not exist, he would have to be invented" and hence this discussion assumes the existence of God/Nature/Providence whatever be her/his appellation. This blog shall dwell on why God injects inequality among men and what are its benefits.

Firstly no rational (or super-rational) entity irrespective of how great it might be, shall thwart the very basis of its own existence except in dire life threatening circumstances. Argued from a system based on incentives, there is no incentive for someone rational to undermine his own authority. A few examples for the above would include

1) Dictators not organising genuine polls since it might overthrow their authority.
2) The general secretary of a political party stifling the growth of those who might pose a challenge to her at a later date.

Also if equality is ensured among all men always, there would be no reason for men to genuflect before an authority like God. If all men are created and made to live equal i.e. assuming that there is no "first among equals", ceteris paribus, men don't have an incentive to compete against one another, no differences shall develop or exist among men and God cannot play her/his role of a referee or "natural selection". In simple words, no controversies would mean no referees/umpires. In the light of the above arguments, God shall not try to unsettle the equilibrium of "inequality among creatures". By this simple rational act he has succeeded in preserving his raison d'ĂȘtre.

What does God finally try to achieve by creating inequalities? One thing that we must accept is that if all men were identical and equal in all respects, there is no need for the existence of so many men. It is just that variety adds spice to life and breaks the monotony in life. Morever there should be some incentive for every man to live on earth. If he is going to be treated at par with everyone else, he has no incentive to outperform others. So God unleashes a wave of free market capitalism (FMC from nowon), this time, God's FMC is stronger than that of USA, UK et al. This FMC quickly weeds out the grossly unsuccessful ones thus trying to improve the quality of mankind or so He claims. Periodically the so called superpowers are defeated and God establishes his supremacy. Isn't this "If someone who challenges me, I will rout him" attitude again a characterestic of someone who wants to hold on to power? So when Napoleon challenged the Pope and thereby God, he was brought down by a peg or two. Ditto with Stalin too. So though inherently evil, there is this certain selfish motive for God to assert his authority and save his position too. And anyway these great lessons of history teach men more than what a thousand sages can.

The FMC of God is so ruthless that there is no way one can escape from it unscathed and inefficient. This form of FMC may not be the best for the world but it is the best one available. Here I would like to quote the iron man of England (Churchill). He once described the difference between capitalism and socialism as the difference between the ladder and the queue. "We are for the ladder," Churchill said. "Let all try their best to climb. They [the socialists] are for the queue. Let each wait his place until his turn comes." (Source: www.winstonchurchill.org) It is better for us to be proactive and climb the ladder rather than stand in the queue awaiting our turn. So the ultimatum from Providence is "Perform or perish". There are the leftists who try to create a "mediocrocracy". But as have seen in different times in history, communism has almost failed everywhere. Of course, we have the still Left veering Latin America, "Cuba de Castro" and the neo-India that intends to impart social justice (by Govt policy recently) but still even there the people in the gubernatorial ranks have realised that the natural instinct of humans is to compete rather than to remain tied to "egalité" forever. Time to put an end to my jabberings ; The crux is that

Aeroplanes are safer in the hangar but they are not meant for that purpose. Hence my fellow humans, in this FMC system devised by God, the best system till date, you have to keep fighting in order to live. As Adolf Hitler said

Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live

Bouquets and brickbats welcome


At Tuesday, May 09, 2006 8:27:00 pm, Blogger Bala said...

nice post.. one request, keep the posts shorter :-)


At Sunday, May 14, 2006 10:01:00 am, Blogger Vaibhav Jha said...

there was an old chap named Darwin whose claim to fame is somewhat related to your post ;)...Remember capitalism is not the panacea...tho as a general rule capitalists have done better...timing is important...USA/France etc. are successful because they became capitalists when they had no competition...why 65K cap on H1B if FMC is the path to heaven??...If India had been a believer of FMC since independence how many reliance/bharti/infosyses would u have had...now even so called poster boys of FMCs are feeling hte heat in face of competition from other countries and interstingly a communist one too...An absolute FMC is sure recipe for disaster a controlled FMC is good...This is where God's policy making is poor i think...he has professed absolute FMC...Africa is a point in case...


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